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Nuxt Laravel Echo
Nuxt module for Laravel Echo integration to get a seamless experience with application broadcasting.
- Sanctum-based authentication
- CSRF cookie management for Private and Presence channels
- CSR-only mode
- TypeScript support
Note: Before using this module, make sure you have a Laravel Echo server running and properly configured.
Quick Setup
Install the module to your Nuxt application with one command:
npx nuxi module add nuxt-laravel-echo
Then provide the configuration in your nuxt.config.js
export default defineNuxtConfig({
modules: ['nuxt-laravel-echo'],
echo: {
key: 'REPLACE_ME', // Your Laravel Echo app key
authentication: {
baseUrl: 'laravel.test', // Your Laravel app URL
Also, to enable Dev server compatibility with Pusher, you need to add the following Vite configuration to your nuxt.config.js
export default defineNuxtConfig({
vite: {
optimizeDeps: {
include: ['pusher-js'],
That's it! You can now use Nuxt Laravel Echo in your Nuxt app ✨
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